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Request for recommendation to IPEM

发布时间:2010-12-30      点击数量:

Request for recommendation to IPEM

发表于: 2010-12-30 10:38 点击:926

The Graduate School of Economics and Management has started a new
> graduate program, the International Program in Economics and Management
> (IPEM), since October 2010. This program, taught entirely in English,
> constitutes part of the Future Global Leadership Program at Tohoku
> University under the sponsorship of the Minister of Education, Culture,
> Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. It offers high quality learning
> and research opportunities in an ideal campus environment for students
> who aspire to one day take on key international leadership roles. The
> degree of Master of Economics/ Management and Doctor of Philosophy in
> Economics/ Management are conferred upon completion of the program.
> As dean of the Graduate School of Economics and Management, I would like
> to ask you to recommend your student for applying to the IPEM. We have
> visited many leading universities over the world, in particular, those
> in Asia and the United States for the last several months in order to
> recruit talented and promising students. We understand that your
> university is excellent in both research and education. We wish to build
> a good partnership between our institutions so as to make our IPEM
> program more successful.
> We would very much appreciate it if you could recommend one academically
> outstanding student in your university each for the master's and
> doctor's program. Although we may not be able to guarantee their
> acceptance, we will highly value your recommendation in the screening
> process.
> We are able to give students a certain level of financial supports for
> tuition exemption with high probability. We can also offer financial
> support through teaching assistantships and research assistantships.
> Procedural details can be found in the enclosed “Application Guideline”
> documents including the application period of this program. With regard
> to the “research plan” documents, we would very much appreciate it if
> you could kindly advise your students to produce documents that properly
> and accurately reflect his or her academic potentialities. If you have
> any inquiries, please contact me at em08dean@econ.tohoku.ac.jp. For
> further information about the application procedures, please contact
> ipem@econ.tohoku.ac.jp.
> Sincerely yours;
> Yoshihiko Tsukuda
> Dean, Graduate School of Economics and Management,
> Tohoku University 
> ********************************************
> Graduate School of Economics and Management
> Faculty of Economics
> Tohoku University, JAPAN
> TEL +81-22-795-6261
> FAX +81-22-795-6267
> E-mail em08dean@econ.tohoku.ac.jp
> ********************************************